Kayaking with Kurt


The term “Coastal” Virginia started gaining traction about 5-7 years ago. Before that time our area was most commonly known as “Hampton Roads” Virginia. I personally think the term coastal is perfect - we are nearly surrounded by water in every direction you turn! If you love water, THIS is the place for you to call HOME!

The largest coastal activity you hear and read about in our region is absolutely fishing. But I’m starting this blog to share with you the joys, challenges, excitement and adventure that kayaking (or even SUP) in COVA can bring to your life!

Our goal through these blogs is to explore new areas and access points, as well as provide a basic overview of our experience. I hope to enlighten others and encourage readers to see these great locations for themselves! Get outdoors - enjoy the coast and all it has to offer! Every paddle is a new environment that brings different challenges and adventures. We are here to provide insight on the best places for you and your family/friends to paddle and sightsee, regardless of the ability level. Whether you are looking for a relaxing calm paddle down a river, paddling across the bay to beaches or remote islands or maybe even catching an adrenaline rush on some flowing rapids; you can experience it all on Coastal Virginia!

A large group and I recently started our kayaking excursions around Virginia. We are constantly looking for new locations and drop in points or boat ramps to explore for new paddling adventures. Grab your paddle and life vest and join us!